Dancing with Manasa |
The last month or two has brought on LOTS of changes in my life. As I have been going through these changes, one of my dance partners, my ball python Manasa (pronounced Menesha, named after the Hindu Snake Goddess) shed her skin again. It was like she knew I was doing the same thing! I felt closer to her than ever and understood her cyclical life on a whole new level. I realized that we are all constantly changing. This quote from the book I am currently reading really hit home:
"He seemed to see time shimmering and moving up above him and through
the leaves and down around his feet and through his middle. Nothing was
like anything else, including himself, and everything was changing all
of the time. He knew he couldn't perceive the change because he was
changing too, along with everything else. There was no still point." -
Jim Harrison, "Legends of the Fall"
Sometimes you have to shed your skin. Get rid of the old and make room for the new. Grow out of your current situation into the next one. The process might be painful but the outcome is always shiny, new and fresh.
I have taken most of the comforts out of my life and have already learned a lot about myself. Moved out of my apartment, got rid of most of my possessions, put the rest of them in storage and am currently living in my friend's RV. I have entered into the "nomadic" phase of my life. My mom says "nomadic" is just a romantic word for homeless, ha! I feel like I am actually living the traveling circus, gypsy, nomad lifestyle that I represent on stage so often. Instead of just performing it on stage, I am living it! It has been an interesting journey so far and it promises to get even more interesting!
I have struggled with the concept of being a nomad AND being a performer at the same time. Not only a performer, but a hoop making performer! All you hoop makers out there know what I mean! Making hoops takes space! Rolls of 100' tubing, dozens and dozens of tapes and not to mention all of the tools involved in making them! Space is one of the biggest commodities for a nomad. You don't have much of it. Being a performer requires that you have lots of stuff...costumes, stage props, more costumes, jewelry, makeup, fire tools, more costumes, fabric, crafting supplies, you get the point! You have to be ready at any moment to fill the whim of a prospective client. Oh you want me to be a fire spinning hula girl at your beach party? A retro vintage hula hooper at your corporate event? A belly dancer at your birthday? A burlesque performer in your stage show? Suuurrrre. Let me just run to my storage unit. Again.
All in all I have figured it out. It has taken some organization, planning and forethought but so far so good. It can be done! The worst thing that's happened is I've lost a couple material possessions along the way. But who cares? It's just stuff! I'm liking this whole non-attachment to material possessions thing!
In about 3 weeks I leave for my first trip to Asia. I was hired to perform fire dancing for 3 days at the
Singapore Grand Prix! I used our flight money to go to Bangkok and then 4 weeks later down to Singapore. That's right. 4 weeks in Thailand! Wow! I am so excited and nervous at the same time I can hardly stand it. It will be a grand adventure! I feel like I will learn a lot about myself and about the world at the same time. After getting back from Southeast Asia I will be going to Santa Cruz to perform at
Hoop Camp's Movements Arts Festival. Could life get better than that??
Day of the Dead Burlesque Inspiration |
I am already planning my next big production, The Dia de los Muertos Cabaret to be held in San Diego the first weekend of November (2nd & 3rd). More details on the way. Just know now it's going to be EPIC! Then only 3 days later I am off to my 7 week UK tour! Whew! And Weeeee!!!!!
I will be teaching at
SWhoop (South West Hoop Convergence) in Bristol, then in Dublin for a Flow Fest, then the Brighton Flow Fest, then I'm off to teach workshops in Plymouth, Oxford and finally London for the
Fantasia Belly Dance Festival. This will be the longest I have traveled alone, ever! I'm going to the land of amazing music and amazing hooping! I can't even fathom the inspiration about to be bestowed upon me! When I saw the
Bristol Hoop Massive Video for the first time, I was blown away. It might still be my favorite hoop video of all time. The comment I posted when I first saw it was, "I want to come hoop with you all in Bristol one day!" And look, it's happening! Thanks to
Emma (Kenna Hoops)! My favorite musicians have ALL come from England!
Pink Floyd,
Cinematic Orchestra,
Mr. Scruff...just to name a few! I hope to see Cinematic live while I'm there. I'm already planning to see
Caravan Palace while I'm in Brighton. They are another one of my all time favorite bands but they're from France, close enough!

When I'm back from England I will actually be finding a real address like most of the rest of the world. But not too long after I will be joining about 100 hoopers on the
Hoop Ship! Woot!
It's a cruise for hoopers
to the BAHAMAS! WOOHOOO! Ever wanted to go a cruise? Ever wanted to go
to a Hoop Retreat? Ever wanted to go to the BAHAMAS?? Here's your chance
ALL IN ONE AMAZING EVENT! And it's SUPER affordable if you think about
all of the amazingness you get! Epic instructor line up and Hoop classes on the beaches of the BAHAMAS! Did I mention the BAHAMAS? Ha! Come play! February 2013!
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum :) |
There is talk of a potential trip to India after that and then in summer of 2013 I plan to tour the United States with The Hoop Unit in a painted bus. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she? Look out for the Kickstarter campaign to fund the first ever cross country UNITY Tour!
Enough about what's coming up. What's been happening? Here is where I catch you up on all of the past highlights from the last month or so....
• I was fortunate enough to see the Pretty Things Peep Show when they were in town. That might have been the best show I have EVER seen! If you ever get a chance, jump on it!
• I taught 14 children how to make hoops, do impressive hoop dance tricks and perform them for their parents at the New Children's Museum Summer Camp. Watch the video here. There is still one week left at Cuyamaca College. Sign up here!
Me as a Twi'lek! |
• I got to be apart of Hell on Heel's Carnival Burlesque show! That was fun!
• I had my first paid Lyra gig that was not at one of my own events! It was with Aerial Revolution for the 4th of July at the Escondido celebration.
• I walked on stilts for the first time! Thanks to Mango!!!
• I got to be a Twi'lek for the Keyhole Cabaret Comic Con show, "Nerd-tastic Burlesque" It was the first time I painted my whole body. What an adventure! There are snippets of the show here. You can see me eating fire as a Twi'lek at the end of the clip.
• Oh yeah and I turned 27 :) My birthday was everything I could have asked for. Relaxing, yummy and full of amazing friends. BRING IT 27!!!