Over the last year (mostly just over the last couple months) I have discovered a few things that have made my life oh so much more enjoyable. Lots of these things relate either to that fact that a) I have spent more time in the last 2 years traveling than not, b) I perform/teach a lot - I have a very active lifestyle including lots of time training, practicing, performing and teaching dance and circus or c) I am a woman. I wanted to share these discoveries with you in hopes that they will make your life just that little bit more amazing. Enjoy!
1. The Oil Cleansing Method

2. Travel Sized Foam Roller
I have wanted a foam roller for years but for me it's been one of those things I thought about getting and then somehow it floated away in the To Do List of the Sky. Well after doing 4 shows a day at the SD Zoo this summer (7 days a week for 67 straight days in a row) my body has been asking for a little extra love. I buckled down and got a travel sized foam roller and have literally used it everyday since I bought it. Massaging out your IT band, hips, gluts and back feels sooo good! And it's only 12" so it can fit in carry-ons for those long travel stretches! I googled and found the best deal through amazon.

3. Bluetooth Wireless Headphones
This is the perfect thing for my performing/hooping/dancing/yoga-ing friends out there. Being able to jam out without worrying about headphone cords getting in the way or your iPhone falling out of your sports bra is quite revolutionary! I absolutely love these headphones (I have Kinivo ones) and they were also affordable from amazon.
4. The Moon Cup
This thing is so cool! I wish I had known about it sooner. Aileen told me about it when we were in Nicaragua w/ PWB. It holds your menstrual blood as opposed to absorbing it. It's better for your body because you are not putting bleached/chemically treated paper products inside you. It's better for the environment because it eliminates waste. It's great for traveling (only carry around one thing as opposed to a box of several tampons). It's comfortable and lasts up to 10 years so it's economically sound as well. It's pretty much the best thing ever. Warning: there is a learning curve involved but once you figure it out, I don't think you could live without it!

5. Frank
I heard about Frank from Traci Hauptman's blog. She is the owner of Dollhouse Fitness (a wildly successful pole dancing studio in Encinitas). She sends out entertaining and informative blog posts, and that is how I discovered Frank. It's an amazing coffee body scrub that smells delicious and makes your skin feel divine. It helps with blemishes, imperfections in the skin and stretch marks. It's a self-pampering indulgence that I have enjoyed and recommend if you spend a lot of time on stage semi-clad. Or just want to give your skin some self-love!
I realize all of these things require money and I'm not suggesting I went out and bought them at once. It was gradual over about a year or so. They just happen to be things that have improved my day to day. Thought you might benefit from my discoveries! Enjoy!